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“Nature teaches us simplicity and contentment because in its presence we realize we need very little to be happy.” -  Mark Coleman

Nature Immersions | Nature Therapy

Too often we give more of ourselves than we receive. We have become so unhealthily distracted by the busy-ness of our lives and the constant need for instant gratifications: looking to technology for entertainment, directions & answers. Doing so leads to an imbalance & depletion due to the lack of reciprocity we are outputting. We find ourselves in a place where we feel so buried or diverted, we forget how we even got to that point... more so, how to get out of it.


Our Nature Therapy service provides simple & easeful ways to reconnect you with nature and to find a healthy balance between the giving and receiving of life. The intention behind our Nature Immersion is to focus on the present moment and easefully allow ourselves to empty our mind by awakening our senses and becoming fully observant & engaged with our surroundings.


Through this process we are able to reset our internal compass by creating a more personal natural flow of direction conducive for us which that can be applied to our daily life. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do. It’s about trusting our steps and simply being in shared awareness & in wisdom with all living things. 

Stone Steps _ Moss

“Nature teaches us simplicity and contentment because in its presence we realize we need very little to be happy.” -  Mark Coleman

what is nature therapy?

“Nature Therapy” is about reconnecting with our natural roots. It’s about engaging with therapy in a setting that removes much of the noise of our everyday, busy lives, and reconnecting with something inside ourselves that’s been lost. It combines the positive effects of time outside with the healing effects of psychotherapy to bring a sense of peace and connection to oneself. The intention of an outdoor therapy session is not exercise or physical exertion during a session (although a walk in the woods or a hike through the mountains is highly encouraged). This is a holistic healing, the intent is to be at peace and mindful while working with your Certified Nature Therapy Guide to uncover truths about yourself and help reconnect you with your center.

what to expect on a nature immersion?

During the Nature Immersion, we turn off our phones and leave our current reality at the threshold, entering onto the path of inner awareness & deep contemplation all while engaging fully with presence. It can be as simple as a gentle walk through a park, sitting by a river, a moderate hike in the woods, a weekend camping trip or in a cozy retreat setting. These Nature Immersions may also include light stretches, gentle yoga and/or qigong movements & postures and often ending with a Tea Ceremony. 

what should i bring on these immersions?

We offer several Nature Immersions, so the materials are dependent on which experience you choose.

However, the most important thing to bring is yourself and a heart centered desire to have an experience that allows you to escape from your mind and current reality and engage with the beauty of the not-so-human-world.

health benefits

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